Benefits of a sit stand desk

Sit stand desks. You may have heard about them, may have seen them or maybe, you are using one right now.

Even though sit stand desks have been around for a little while now they are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons, but do they really live up to all of the hype?

Are you still torn between taking the sit stand desk plunge or staying put (literally)?

For a break down of the main benefits, advantages and disadvantages of sit stand or height adjustable desks, keep reading.


Weight loss

I'm sure you could have guessed health would come into this argument somewhere but you may be surprised to understand just how much difference a sit stand desk can make to those who are trying to watch their weight. Research has shown that by using a sit stand desk you can burn an additional 50 calories per hour compared to traditional sitting desks. Initially, it might not sound much, but consider the fact that on average, if we spent 20 - 40 hours a week sat at our desks, that's a lot of extra calories burned! Some office cultures can actually lead to weight gain, especially with unhealthy buffets, corporate lunches and snack cupboards. Could using a sit stand desk help to counteract this?


According to numerous reports, sitting for long periods of time can slow your metabolism, cause fatigue, a decrease in concentration and even a lot more serious issues! Standing for a few hours a day can help to decrease these risks and boost wellbeing. Studies have shown that the introduction of height adjustable, or 'sit stand desks' in the office, not only has potential health benefits, it also contributed to a boost in productivity of 46% - a win win situation.

Communication is key

It can sometimes be difficult to communicate with your colleagues when you are all sat down behind screens or office partitions, especially in a cubicle office layout. Modern businesses are increasingly looking to create collaborative workspaces and sit stand desks can help to create height changes across the office so that people can easily see each other. Standing at a desk doesn't only help to improve communication, it can also encourage movement, so instead of emails or phone calls to colleagues across the room, more face to face conversations will be happening.

Beat the block

Creative block is a very real problem for a lot of creatives working in the typical office environment. It's easy to come back after lunch feeling tired and sluggish and struggle to pick yourself back up and get in the mood for working, but standing has been proven to combat this. Standing in meetings is believed to make workers more creative and research has shown that by standing at a desk for 2 hours, your creative abilities and problem solving skills can improve. So, Instead of sitting back in your chair while your body deals with that big client lunch, why not try a sit stand desk to combat the afternoon struggle.

Best of both worlds

The biggest benefit is the fact that you have the power to decide. With an adjustable sit stand desk you create the perfect balance which is bespoke and flexible and this in turn will boost productivity. By providing sit stand desks for your employees, you are empowering them to make their own decision about how they want to work. This should help to boost employee morale and also boost health and productivity.


Aches and pains

Even though we have heard a lot about how sitting is bad for your health, it turns out that new research has shown that standing for long periods of time can also have a negative impact on your health. People who tend to stand for long periods of time whilst working have reported leg cramps and backache, however, shorter standing periods do not cause as much of a problem.

Lot's of empty chairs

If you are standing at your desk, what do you do with your chair? Without space to tuck it away, spare chairs cluttering walkways or dotted around the office could cause a bit of disruption and increase the risk of accidents. Before considering a sit stand desk, you might want to think about the storage space available in your office and where you will be able to store your chair when you are not seated.

Change your kicks

Your choice of footwear will suddenly become more important. If you are going to be standing at your desk for a few hours each day you need to invest in some sturdy and comfy footwear. This may cause a few problems depending on your office dress code, the trainers you wear on the weekend may not be suitable. However there should be plenty of styles available that are smart yet supportive. Look for features such as cushioned soles and shock absorbency to offer your feet the best protection.

Old habits

You’ve done your research, the sit stand desk has arrived, its set up and working, yet apart from the first day, you haven’t stood up once. Humans are creatures of habit and it can be hard to break out of routine if you are used to sitting down all day, every day. Like any piece of new office equipment, you need to make sure that your employees have been trained on how to properly adjust a sit stand desk. Make sure that when you choose a sit stand desk, you have tested the standing mechanism to make sure it's easy to use.

You need to be organised

More often than not, our desks are cluttered. Whether it's office files, paper or even post-it reminders, a messy workstation has the potential to create havoc when adjusting your sit stand desk. If you are spending more time clearing your workspace to prevent things from falling off the edge you will probably lose your patience and stop standing up. If you do decide to invest in a sit stand desk, use it as an opportunity to lose the clutter on your desk, get organised and become more productive.

In summary

A sit stand workstation can help to boost productivity, health, office communication and morale, however, you need to think hard about whether it's really right for you. In reality, you probably won't want to stand all day but the benefit of a sit stand desk is that you can adjust the height and create a healthy balance between sitting and standing. So, if you decide to invest in a sit stand desk, make sure it's quick and easy to adjust, get yourself organised and buy a comfy pair of shoes.

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